Maschine Raw Voltage Demos

Last week, Native Instruments released "Raw Voltage", a sound expansion pack for their popular Maschine series.

This sound pack focuses on analog synthesized sounds directed towards the Aphex Twin/Flying Lotus subset of electronic music. These sounds were all sampled from a huge, specially customized synthesizer. Some more explanation from the Native Instruments site...
"All these exceptional sounds stem from (a) unique custom modular system, owned and operated by synthesis expert Roger Grønberg (Frodebeats), from Norway.

"The system includes modules from Modcan, MOTM, Oakley, CGS, STG, Encore, Buchla plus many unique custom and DIY modules, as well as analog synthesizers like Arp Odyssey/2600 and Korg MiniKorg 700s.

Using complex synthesis techniques, all sound shaping took place completely within the synthesis process. The only additions were some added multiple analog delay lines, plus occasional spring or digital reverb. As a result, most of the sounds are raw and ready for your own processing and effects ideas."
I was asked to create a demo for this package, as were my colleague, Taurus Scott and Justin Myracks. I created two, one of which was selected as a demo project to be included with "Raw Voltage". Above are the two demo tracks, extended to full songs. Please enjoy!

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